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Closure announcement

As of June 20, 2024 The De Winton Community Association (DCA) will cease to run a play school as part of the operations of the DCA. While this may have been unexpected, the difficulty in running the play school has been increasing for a number of years.

The past several years have made the overseeing of a DCA run, parent supported, preschool very challenging. The increasing complexity of running a preschool, including government licensing, regulatory and administrative procedures, tax filing, employment of teachers, WCB and the constant battle for consistency of volunteers have made the continued running of a preschool untenable to the DCA. It has become too much for a small group of volunteers who do not have the required expertise, time, or energy to run what is essentially a small business on a volunteer basis. 


We know that this has been a serious blow to the community, especially those who had already enrolled their children for September, but we hope that ultimately an independently run preschool or similar child-centred service can be operated in this space. The DCA is currently exploring various opportunities to further serve the community relating to the preschool space so stay tuned!


The future focus, and main obligation, of the DCA must be in service to the entire DCA membership and broader community.


We hope that this helps to clarify some of the misunderstanding associated with this very difficult decision. and hope to have exciting news very soon!

Have Questions?

Should you require further information about the Preschool closure or any future plans please do not hesitate to contact the DCA

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